Clipper 4.4.2

Boolean clipping operations made easy Clipper is a handy tool designed to perform boolean clipping operations (intersection, union, difference & xor) on 2D polygons. The TClipper class handles complex (self-intersecting) polygons, polygons with holes and polygons with overlapping co-linear edges. TClipper is also very fast relative to other clipping libraries. Here are some key features of “Clipper”: · 2D polygon clipping – intersection, union, difference & xor · Processes all kinds of polygons including self-intersecting polygons · Processes multiple subject and clipping polygons · Input polygons can use either EvenOdd or NonZero filling · Significantly faster than commercial alternatives · Library written in Delphi, C++ and C# · Perl wrapper by Steffen Müller · Ruby bindings by Mike Owens · Support for AGG, Cairo & Graphics32, OpenGL & GDI+ graphics libraries · BugFix: a minor bugfixes in Clipper. · Update: the OffsetPolygons function has been significantly improved by offering 4 different join styles.

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